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Dear RBA School Community,

As the Executive Director of RBA, I've had the profound privilege of witnessing the transformative journey of countless students who once felt like fish out of water looking for their pond. In the long journey of education, so many bright, passionate, and unique students often feel adrift, struggling to find a place where they truly belong.

At RBA, we understand that each child’s educational journey is unique, deeply personal, and remarkably influenced by their past experiences. Recognizing this, our school is firmly anchored in trauma-informed practices. We delve deeper than conventional teaching methods, embracing the intricate web of emotions, experiences, and potentials that each student brings. Our dedication to restorative practices ensures that our school environment is not just about imparting knowledge, but about learning to heal, understand, and rebuild.

Yet, at the heart of our ethos, is the belief that relationships are the bedrock of meaningful education. We believe in seeing our students - truly seeing them. Not as mere names on a class roster, but as individuals with dreams, challenges, and unique stories. We put relationships first, creating an atmosphere where every student feels valued, understood, and empowered. This culture of genuine connection allows us to meet students where they are, celebrating their individuality, while guiding them toward their potential.

In a world that sometimes values conformity over authenticity, RBA stands as a beacon for those seeking an individualized educational experience. Our commitment is unwavering: to ensure every student finds their place, discovers their passion, and recognizes their invaluable worth.

I invite you to journey with us, to be part of a community that believes in the transformative power of education rooted in understanding, compassion, and genuine connection. Together, let's shape futures, one student at a time.

Warmest Regards,

Niffy Reiling

Executive Director, RBA